Working with Women
Volunteer with our work among local women
We are committed to seeing the women in our local area develop and flourish. This takes the form of …
PEACED TOGETHER, an 8 week programme that brings together a small group of women that looks at creating something beautiful from something broken. Through the use of craft projects, the women discuss issues they may have faced in the past. This has been running for over five years and has had a remarkable impact on individual’s lives.
Thursday Evenings & Friday Mornings
Supporting the leadership team in accompanying women through the course.
Supporting the team through proving tea and coffee.
WOMEN’S DROP IN, a weekly Monday evening space that takes place in Willowfield Church Hall, where women can gather, enjoy each other’s company, take part in craft projects, participate in light exercise, with a particular focus on mental wellbeing.
Monday Evenings
Support the team by setting up and taking down; preparing tea & coffee.
Faith Input
People willing to pray with others, provide a devotional spot, and be a listening ear.