The Register of Vestry Persons is the Church of Ireland’s official register of the number of people who worship at Willowfield.
Around Easter time each year, a new Select Vestry is elected for the following twelve months, from the Register of Vestry Persons and is responsible for ensuring the ongoing ministry of Willowfield by primarily stewarding our Finances and our church buildings.
The Select Vestry is made up of, at least two Church Wardens, two Glebe Wardens, and 12 Select Vestry Members.
If you consider yourself a member of Willowfield, we would love to encourage you to complete an application form. To be on the Willowfield Parish Church roll you need to have worshipped at the church regularly for at least the last six months, be baptised, be at least 18 years old and have contributed financially in a recorded manner. Application forms are available during the month of January. Contact the Church Office for more information.