Got questions about life? Looking to explore faith? Looking to go deeper in your faith? Want to invest in your marriage? Want to prepare to get married? We might just have a course for you.

Is there more to life than this? Alpha is a space where you can ask the big questions of life in a pressure-free, open environment. There’s food, video content and a chance to discuss your thoughts and views.
Our next evening Alpha course starts in January 2024.

Bereavement Course
Working through grief and the loss of a loved one takes a long time. This course is for anyone who is bereaved, whether recently or dating back several years.
The course offers a safe place to listen, think and if helpful, to share your story and experiences.
Dates and times of our next course to be arranged.

Marriage Prep
Planning to get married anytime soon? We’d love you to join our Marriage Preparation Course beginning. Developed by Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book, The Marriage Preparation Course is free course that offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.
Dates and times of our next course to be arranged.

CAP Life Skills
Learn practical tools to help you live well on a low income every day. CAP Life Skills is a friendly group that will give you the confidence and decision-making skills needed to live on a low income.
You’ll learn practical money saving techniques, such as cooking on a budget and making money go further. The CAP Life Skills Course is a course devised by the award winning debt counselling charity, Christians Against Poverty.
For more information contact James Myles:

CAP Money
The CAP Money Course is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works.
This course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. The CAP Money Course is a course devised by the award winning debt counselling charity, Christians Against Poverty.
For more information contact James Myles: