“Here to Stay” | Phase 1 Building Project
Back in April 2024 we launched an initiative called “Here to Stay”.
This three word phrase sums up a deep conviction that Willowfield Parish Church is called to a specific place. Surrounding our church are 8000 front doors behind which are thousands of people, each of whom is love by the Lord and in desperate need of his saving power.
“Here to Stay” also reflects a determination to face the challenges that come with this conviction, and by God’s grace, goodness and provision, overcome them, and grasp the Kingdom opportunities on our doorstep.
In order to stay in the place where we believe we are called, essential work is required to our beautiful 150 year old building that stands at the crossroads of the Woodstock Road, My Lady’s Road, and Willowfield Street.
Our Building Project has three phases. Phase 1 aims to stop the ingress of water above the chancel and address the damage caused by the resulting damp. Work will begin September 2024 and continue through the autumn and winter until February/March of next year.
In practical terms this will involve the removal of plaster in the chancel area, allowing time for the walls to dry, followed by re-plastering and painting.
Externally, the roof above the chancel will be repaired including the chimney which we understand is the source of the damp. We estimate that the cost will be around £271,000 + VAT.
We have already begun fund raising for Phase 1 of our building project.
Could you support us financially to help us ensure that Willowfield remains at the heart of this community for generations to come?
You can give directly to the “Here to Stay” Building Project by clicking the button bellow;
Cash / Cheque Donation
IF you would like to give by Cash, or Cheque, you can do so by placing your donation in an envelope marked ‘Here to Stay’ and placing it in the offering plate on a Sunday. Please make it cheques payable to ‘Willowfield Parish Church’.
Remember, if you are a UK Taxpayer please include a Gift Aid declaration and we can claim an additional 25% on your gift.
You also may be interested to know that when you shop online through easyfundraising, certain brands give cashback as a “thank you” for shopping with them and this can be turned into donations to our Building Project. Click here to go to the easyfundraising website. It only takes two minutes to set up.
Don’t forget to choose Willowfield Church Roof Appeal.
Thank you for your support!