Welcome to
Willowfield Church
We are a Church for all people of all ages, situated on the corner of the Woodstock Road/My Lady’s Road, in inner East Belfast. Our vision is to play our part in seeing the transformation of our local community, our city, and our nation one life at a time.
1 0 A M • 1 1 , 3 0 A M • 5 P M + 7 P M
T H E R E ’ S A F I R S T T I M E F O R E V E R Y T H I N G
What’s On.

Connect & Engage, Grow & Learn
At Willowfield we recognise the importance of connecting with each other, and engaging beyond our walls, locally and globally. We also understand the need for spiritual growth and learning and aim to create spaces to allow you to dive into God’s word, to worship, to pray and be prayed for.

In the Community, for the Community.
We don’t believe it’s a co–incidence that God has placed us here, and we long to show His love and His good news in all sorts of practical ways to our neighbours. We’d love for you to connect with us on Sunday, and throughout the week.